MUKI Sacco was incorporated on 29th February, 1990 following a resolution on 29th June 1989 by 29 dairy farmers who had met at Kimwatu Farm. All the 29 farmers were dairy farmers that had been contracted to supply milk to KCC.
Initially, the Society drew its membership from the Dairy farmers. Subsequently, the Society opened its common bond to allow members from other areas e.g Agri-Business, S.M.E(s)..
Own a piece of MUKI SACCO today through buying sacco shares. Each share is Worth Ksh 100/- Minimum shares is Ksh 3,000/- which can be raised at once or Gradually.
By dialing *850# on your mobile phone You can now:
• Enquire Account balance
• Transfer Funds
• M-Pesa transfers ie Deposits and Withdrawals
• Apply for a loan
• Pay your bills
Our loans give members the flexibility to purchase products such as water tanks and motorbikes as well as access emergency loans, school fees loans and much more
Normal Loan
Loan issued to members who have invested in Muki Sacco Member deposits